
In this blog post, we explain how to make a reservation for our in-studio and online classes.
Currently, an advanced online reservation is required for both in-studio and online classes. (This excludes the in-studio Community Class on Wednesday. Online Community Class requires an advanced payment. Please read more about our Community Class at FAQ, "What is Community Class? How can I join?" section.)
At Sun & Moon Yoga, we use Punchpass as the reservation and customer management system. It's an external app, so the user interface may be updated by the app provider sometimes and our information here may have different interface.)
PunchPass ID & Class Card
If you aren't in the system, create your Sun & Moon account through Punchpass. To create an account, please provide your email address (this will be your Punchpass ID), name (please use your real name), phone number and a contact number in case of emergency.
An email confirmation will be sent to you upon registration. Please confirm your account creation by clicking the link in the email and signing the waiver.
If you don't have a class card (even if you do have an account), purchase a new class card or a drop-in class ticket.
Now you are ready to proceed to the class reservation.
Making a Class Reservation (for both In-studio and Online classes)
Visit our Class page.
Scroll down the schedule (the white part in the page) and find a class you wish to attend. *Do not scroll down the yellowish part! You will not able to see the schedule.
Click on the class you wish to attend. Note that we have In-studio class and Online class.
If you are not signed in, click [Sign-in]. After you sign-in, you need to go to [Schedule-List] or [Calendar] on the menu below the Sun & Moon logo and select the class again. If you are signed-in, please click [Reserve My Spot in Class!].

A confirmation mail is sent to you upon the reservation. If you do not receive it, please check your spam mailbox. Please keep the mail until you attend to the class. For the online class, the Zoom meeting link is included in the mail.
What happens when you do not have valid ticket?
You will see this message (or similar).

Please select and click a type of ticket you wish to purchase. After completing ticket purchase, you will see 'Reserve My Spot in Class!' button in above.
If the class is full - Waitlist
If the class is fully booked, you will be asked if you would like to be added to the wait list this. If you wish to be added to the list, click [Yes - Add Me To The Waitlist].
* Please note that you will not receive confirmation mail for waiting list. However, you can check your reservation status (the top right in the image above) including the waiting reservation.

If a spot becomes available, an email alert will be sent to you. If you wish to attend to the class, please click the link in the mail to confirm.

You will be taken to the Manage Waitlist Spot page on Punchpass. You will NOT be added to the class until you confirm.

Class Reservation Guideline
You must reserve your spot in classes at least 15 min in advance of the class.
You can cancel your reservation, however, you can only do so up to 1 hour before the scheduled class time. This means if you reserve a spot after that 1 hour period, you cannot cancel your reservation.
(For Online Class) The link to access the online class is a Zoom link. If you have never used Zoom before, there are a few more things to consider for a smooth and calm Sun & Moon online class experience. For more online class information, such as Zoom settings, please visit this blog.
Please feel free to email us at info@sunandmoon.jp with feedback or questions.
We look forward to seeing you in class!
Punchpass IDとクラスカード
紙のクラスカードをお持ちの場合は、クラスカードの写真を撮ってスタジオまでご連絡ください。クラスカードの情報を確認してご登録いたします。 info@sunandmoon.jp
サインインしていない場合は、[Sign in] をクリックします。ここでサインインすると、サインインした後にスタジオロゴ下のメニューから [Schedule-List] または [Calendar] をクリックして、参加ご希望のクラスを選択しなおしてください。サインインしている場合は、[Reserve My Spot in Class!] をクリックします。


表示されているチケットのリンクをクリックすると、購入ページに進みます。購入を済ませてから、再度クラスの予約ページに戻ると、上記の「Reserve My Spot in Class!」が表示され予約を進めることができます。
クラスが満員の場合 - Waitlistについて
クラスが満員の時は、次の画面が表示されます。Waitlist(キャンセル待ち)の登録をご希望の場合は、 [Yes - Add Me To The Waitlist] をクリックしてください。

キャンセルがあって参加できる場合は、メールでお知らせが届きます(件名は「Alert - A spot has opened up in: 。。。。」)。クラスの参加申し込み、またはキャンセル待ちのキャンセルは、メールにある青いボタンをクリックして手続きします。

参加ご希望の場合は、メールの青いボタンをクリックした後、Punchpassの画面で [Yes - I'll Take The Spot!](青いボタン)をクリックします。これをクリックしないと予約完了になりません。

ご予約に関してご不明な点は、遠慮なくスタジオまでご連絡ください。 info@sunandmoon.jp