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Feb 27, Online WS with Leza / RAIN of Self-Compassion / 2/27 自分を思いやるRAINの瞑想


Meditation for Dealing with Difficult Situations. Saturday February 27.


When we are stuck, it often feels impossible to invite compassion, let alone self-compassion. This workshop will take us through a guided meditation practice "to help address feelings of insecurity and unworthiness when challenging situations arise.” This self-inquiry practice was created by Tara Brach, Leza’s teacher. The 30-minute inward dive will be followed by optional sharing and mutual support.

Come connect with your compassionate heart. In English with Beautiful translation by Kitty Thompson.


Saturday February 27, 9:00am-10:15am JST (Friday February 26, 5:00pm-6:15pm US-MT)


Zoom Meeting (A meeting link will be provided to the attendees)

Zoom App setting is required on your device before the workshop.


3500 yen


How to Apply

Visit our schedule page and make a reservation. (An account creation will be needed if you do not have account in our system. Step 1: Create your account if you don't have one, or login with your account; step 2: go to the schedule page, select the workshop, and purchase the ticket for workshop; step 3: coming back to the schedule page and selecting the workshop, make a reservation by clicking the blue button "Reserve my spot in class". You will receive an automated confirmation email.)

Otherwise, send in a request to Sun & Moon Yoga by email with the workshop title in the subject. Include your full NAME, ADDRESS, and PHONE NUMBER. Payment instructions will be sent upon receipt of your request. If you do not have an account on our system, it will be required later. Early application is strongly suggested.

If you'r have any inquiry, please do not hesitate to contact us!







2月27日(土) 9:00am-10:15am 日本時間

(アメリカ山岳郚時間 2月26日(金) 5:00pm-6:15pm)


Zoom オンラむンミヌティングミヌティングのリンクは、参加者に別途送信したす

※ ご参加の前に、ご自分のデバむスコンピュヌタ、スマヌトフォン、たたはタブレットにZoomアプリのむンストヌルや蚭定が必芁です。蚭定はご自分でお枈たせください。


3500 円


スケゞュヌルペヌゞをご芧いただきご予玄ください。システムにアカりントをお持ちではない方は、アカりントのご登録が必芁です。①アカりントログむンする。②スケゞュヌルペヌゞで該圓するワヌクショップを遞び、チケットを賌入する。③賌入埌、再床スケゞュヌルの該圓クラスのペヌゞに戻り「Reserve my spot in class」をクリックしおご予玄ください。ご予玄埌、予玄確認の自動送信メヌルが送信されたす。

あるいは、Sun & Moon YogaたでEmailでお申し蟌みください。メヌルは、タむトルにワヌクショップ名を蚘茉し、スタゞオ参加たたはオンラむン参加のご垌望を明蚘しおください。本文にご氏名ロヌマ字で読み方を぀けおください、お電話番号を必ず蚘茉しおください。お申し蟌みのメヌルを受け付けおから1週間以内に、参加費お支払い方法ずずもにスタゞオからご連絡いたしたす。スタゞオシステムにアカりントを䜜成されおいない方は、埌日、アカりントの䜜成が必芁になりたす。


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