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Studio Precautions スタジオの予防対策







  • クラスの前後には手洗いをしましょう。

  • (必要に応じて)ヨガマット、タオル、アイピローをご持参ください。

  • アジャストは行いません。

  • 必要に応じて、マスクを着用してください。

  • 体調が優れないとき、発熱や咳などの症状があるときは、外出を控えてご自宅で養生してください。そのような症状を呈する方には、クラスの参加をご遠慮いただくようお願いすることがあります。スタジオコミュニティの健康と安全を守るため、ご理解いただけるようお願いいたします。







(This article is posted originally on June 14 2020 and updated in September 2022. )

We are pleased to reopen our doors!

We've resumed our in-studio classes with these precautions to prevent new coronavirus infections. We ask for your support to follow them together and keep our studio environment safe.

  • Wash your hands before and after the class

  • If desired, bring your own mat or props. We have our yoga mat and props, and ask to clean it carefully after use (the cleaning stuff is equipped in the studio)

  • Bring your own towel and eye pillow (if desired, we do not provide the studio eye pillow at the time)

  • No adjustments will be given at the time   

  • Wear a mask if desired.

  • Please stay home if you feel sick, have a cough, or fever or any symptoms. You may be asked not to join the class if you have any symptoms. This is for the well-being of our community.

We will have alcohol and hand sanitizer at the studio, and will sanitise the studio daily. We will keep recommended distance between students, and students and teacher, and limit the class sizes to 10 maximum.

Sun and Moon Yoga assumes no responsibility or liability for student’s health condition.

Please make a reservation at least 15 minutes prior to the studio class.

For your reference:

Studio Guidline (General)

If you'd have any inquiry, please feel free to contact us by email. Thank you.

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