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執筆者の写真Sun & Moon Yoga

Update on Feb 2: Corona Virus Update / 新型コロナウィルス感染対策の更新(2月2日)

Evening Practice Online from Home. 夜クラスはオンラインでご自宅からどうぞ。

It comes as no surprise that the Government has announced that the state of emergency be extended for one more month. This does mean our evening classes will remain online only until further notice.

We are grateful we are able to open our doors for our daytime classes and that you are all keeping our community strong. Let’s keep doing our bit to stay safe and please remember, we have come this far together and there is light at the end of the tunnel - and we will get there together.

The studio will remain open for daytime classes, with all safety measures in place. Most of these classes will be live online as well.

Please do check our schedule and we will continue to update with any changes.

Thank you.

Sun & Moon Team


日中はスタジオをオープンにできて、みんなが集まってコミュニティをしっかりと維持してくれるのはありがたいこと。 安全に過ごすということをそれぞれの責任として続けていきましょう。大切なことは、一緒にここまでやって来れて、暗いトンネルから抜け出す光は見えているっていうこと。トンネルから抜け出たら、また一緒に集まりましょう。




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