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執筆者の写真Sun & Moon Yoga

7月30日 リザ先生による7時間のリストラティブヨガ集中コース / July 30, 7 hour Restorative Yoga Immersion with Leza


Practice and Learn Advanced Restorative Yoga Poses with Leza.


For English, please scroll down to the end of Japanese text.





(Photos by Yasuyuki Kobayashi)


7月30日(土) 2:30pm-9:30pm (7 hrs)
















リザ・ロウィッツ(⽂学修⼠)は東京のサンアンドムーンヨガを2003 年に創設したオーナーです。マインドフルネスと瞑想の練習を40年間⾏っており、⽇々の練習を怠り ません。チベット仏教の教えを中心に、35年間学びを続けています。2013年には、7年間に及ぶ集中的なチベット仏教の 瞑想プログラムを修了しました。また、カリフォルニア州立大学バークリー校のAwareness Training Institute and the Greater Good Science Center にて、マインドフルネス瞑想ティーチャーの認定を受けています。そこでリザはジャック・コーンフィールド⽒とタラ・ブラック⽒から指導を受けました。

リザの情熱はこういった古代の教えを現代⾵に、⼼のこもった本物のアプローチで伝えることにあり ます。マインドフルネス、瞑想、ヨガ、⾃⼰変容を世界中の何千もの⽣徒に伝えています。




The world today is a stressful place. It’s even more important than ever to find peace and acceptance within ourselves.

Restorative Yoga offers the perfect practice to cultivate and nurture a calm, tranquil core. As teachers, it’s the ideal practice to share with those who need a quiet practice to return to, to recharge their batteries and regenerate their life force.

This program offers hand-selected content of new restorative yoga poses, meditation techniques and practices, and teaching skills to take your teaching to the next level. An open heart and mind, and the desire to continue to learn, are the very things that help you become a great yoga teacher. Keeping a humble and hungry “beginner’s mind” is the key to evolving personally and professionally. We need to continually build upon our skills to deepen our own practice and offer our students opportunities to go deeper into their practice, too.

Students will receive a certificate.


Saturday July 30 2:30pm-9:30pm (7 hours)

This program is available In-studio option at Sun & Moon Yoga Tokyo or Zoom online live option.

Japanese Translation:

Yoriko Matsumoto

Who Can Attend:

No experience necessary.


Regular: 20,000 yen

Sun & Moon RTTC graduates: 15,000 yen

To Register:

Online reservation is now open! Please select the class from our schedule. Payment is required at online reservation.

If you are our RTTC grad, you are eligible for a discount. Please contact us.

If you are new to our system, please create an account. For details, please visit this page.

About the Instructor:

Leza Lowitz, M.A. is the founder and sole proprietor of Sun and Moon Yoga, Tokyo, which she established in 2003. She has been practicing mindfulness and meditation for forty years, and has had a regular daily practice that entire time. Leza’s main area of study is Tibetan Buddhism, which she has been studying for 35 years. She graduated from a seven-year intensive program in Vajrayana Buddhism in 2013. She is a certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher through the Awareness Training Institute and the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California at Berkeley. Her teachers were Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach.

Leza’s passion is to share these ancient practices with a contemporary, heartfelt and authentic approach. She has shared mindfulness, meditation, yoga and self-transformation with thousands of students around the world.


If you'd have any inquiry, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Note: Considering the safety and health of everyone, we are taking temporarily our precautionary measures in the studio. Please read this.


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