サンアンドムーンヨガに集まるみなさんは、エム先生が中心になって活動している『Pose & Paws』という名前を聞いたことがあるかもしれません。でも、活動がどうやって始まって、具体的に何をしているのか、詳しく知らないという方もいらっしゃるでしょう。
そこで、ご主人のフィル・ベッティンジャーさんとともにPose & Pawsを立ち上げたエム先生に伺いました! 今年で活動10周年になるPose & Pawsの誕生秘話や活動記録です。どうぞ読んでください。
こうして、Pose & Pawsを2012年1月に正式に起動させました。アンディ・バーガーさんの描くイラストを使わせていただいてますが、見事に私が作った小さな組織の姿を捉えてくれています。日本の動物保護施設への意識を高めながら、ヨガを通じて寄付金を募るという目標を掲げての誕生です。
2012年の春と夏、Pose & Pawsの名のもとに、初めてのパークヨガクラスを指導して、その年の年末には、第2回となるフードドライブを行いました。
支援先をもっと増やしたいとずっと願いながら活動を続けてきました。それで10年目になるこの年を記念して、2軒目の保護施設を支援しようと思い立ち、あにまるガードさんの他に千葉県の『Mina's Animal Sanctuary - AnimO』さんもサポートすることになりました。
Pose & Pawsは自分の子どものように大切な存在です。ヨガとともに動物たちをサポートすることが、私の情熱です。自分の健康のために集まる人たちが改善を生むということが、私の心を喜びでいっぱいにしてくれます。
Pose & Pawsは小さなグループですが、としこさん、うららさん、ゆかりさん、さきさんという素晴らしいメンバーが手伝ってくれています。それからもちろん、うれし涙も悲しい涙も一緒に分かち合って、いろんなことを助けてくれるフィル・ベッティンジャーもいます! アンディ、ポール、ナナのサポートもあったし、それに協力してくれるみんながいます。私のクラスに来て、一緒にヨガをしてくれて、動物の幸せのために協力してくれるみんながいて、贈り物の季節には「フードのお皿が空になることなんてない!」ってくらい寄付してくれます。
さて、Pose & Pawsについて知っていただけたと思います。支援を必要としている動物たちに、愛を贈りましょう!
Pose & PawsのFacebookに情報を更新していますのでフォローしてくださいね。
Sun & Moonies may have heard of this name 'Pose & Paws'. But you may not know how they have started or what they do actually.
So we asked our main teacher Em who has founded Pose & Paws with her husband Phil Bettinger about their story.
When asked during a teacher training to journal what I hoped to do in the future, I wrote, “SEVA: creating a yoga organization to help a charity.”
Through my early years as a teacher, I’ve offered special donation-based park classes for a number of different charities, raising a lot of money thanks to all who came. Yet, I’d not created anything.
2011 changed that and I was put in touch with a shelter called Animal Friends Niigata (now Animal Guard). They had been in the Fukushima danger zone rescuing the pets that had sadly been left behind. Food and cash donations were in desperate need. Anyone who knows me knows my love of animals. My husband and I set up the first food drive and, with the help of our friend Paul, we headed up to Animal Friends to deliver the 25 boxes of essentials that were needed. It took us over 8 hours to reach Niigata. One of the worst winters in years and we were hit with blizzards, meaning all the highways were closed. We made it and delivered the food the following day. We volunteered, met the rescued animals and wonderful staff and then traveled home, happy and proud. Oh, and we adopted a cat while there as well, our boy, Karma.
Pose & Paws was officially launched a few weeks later in January 2012 with Andy Boerger’s artwork really capturing the vision for this little organization I was creating. The aim was to raise money through yoga while creating awareness about animal rescue in Japan.
In spring and summer 2012, I taught my first park yoga classes under Pose & Paws and the following festive season we ran our second food drive.
Fast forward to 2021. Our 10th food drive. I’ve lost count of how many park Yoga events have been held and in-office classes thanks to Eri , but ¥1,404,000 has been donated and 866 large boxes/items have been delivered.
As a way to honor our 10th food drive, it felt right to support a second shelter, as I always dreamt of us helping more places. Along with Animal Guard this year, we are helping Mina’s Animal Sanctuary - AnimO in Chiba.
Pose & Paws is my baby. Helping animals along with yoga is my passion. Having people come together for their own well-being and to make a difference fills my heart with joy.
As I have said, Pose & Paws is just a small group but I have great people helping me. Toshiko Yanagihara, Ulala Yamamoto, Yukari Bamba, Miyoko Noma and Saki Tauchi. And of course Phil who deals with the tears and so much more! Andy, Paul and Nana who have all helped is the past.
Then there is YOU. Each person who has practiced with me, given to themselves in the practice and contributed to the wellbeing of an animal, and, during the season of giving, having given so much and made sure no bowl was ever left empty.
2007 I journaled, “SEVA: creating a yoga organization to help a charity,” and you have made my dream come true. Thank you!
Here’s to the next 10 years!
Now you get to know more about Pose & Paws. Share your love with animals in need!
Food Drive 2021 has started. To donate you can give food or cash directly to Em OR order food through Amazon. Financial donation also can be made through GoFundMe.
You can follow Pose and Paws on Facebook for regular updates.
Thank you in advance for making a difference for our furried friends.