This four-hour workshop is a mini-retreat designed to help you nourish your body and soul at a time when we're all under a lot more pressure. 誰もが通常よりプレッシャーにさらされている時期でも、自分の体と心を育むためのミニリトリート感覚の4時間のワークショップ。

This four-hour workshop is a mini-retreat designed to help you nourish your body and soul at a time when we're all under a lot more pressure. We're going to apply some mothering, nurturing energy towards ourselves through self care practices (such as self massage), meditation and journaling, yoga - a grounding slow flow practice to begin and a relaxing yin yoga session to finish, and open and honest conversation around self care and how we can support and look after ourselves in the year ahead.
Self care is a preventative medicine. It is not 'me first', it's 'me as well.' It helps us navigate experiences with a sense of calmness, poise, and purpose.
Through this mini-retreat we plan to rev up your creativity while we calm down your nervous systems. Get ready to rest and top your energy reservoir.
Tuesday/Holiday February 23, 9am-1pm (UTC+9)
9:00 - 9:30 - Opening circle with Carmela and Karryn
9:30 - 10:30 - A slow flow yoga practice with Karryn
10:30 -11:00 - Journaling and visualization with Karryn
11:00 - 11:15 - Tea and bathroom break with some sweet treats
11:15 - 12:00 - Self care routine with Carmela
12:00 - 1:00 - Yin yoga with Carmela
Sun & Moon Yoga Studio or Zoom
5,000 yen (in-studio)
4,000 yen (Zoom Online)
The workshop is taught in English with Japanese translation by Mina Suzuki.
About Instructors

Carmela Fleury is French by birth and passport, Spanish by mother tongue, Finnish-Swede by marriage, gastronomically Japanese, and spiritually Balinese. She received her Bachelor's of Science in Engineering from Tufts University and yet won’t do anything without the guidance of a flip of a coin. She's a certified Wayfinder Master Coach, a certified Holistic Health Coach, a 200 hrs Embodied Flow Yoga Teacher, a Yin Yoga teacher (studying toward the Insight Yoga Certification with Sarah Powers), and the Village Crazy Mama who is passionate about raising happy & healthy mamas so they can, in turn, raise happy & healthy kids.
Karryn Miller took part in Sun & Moon's first ever teacher training in 2007 and used to teach at the studio when she went by the nickname "KC." Since leaving Japan over a decade ago she has taught yoga in Vietnam, India, the USA, and South Korea. She has also completed a RYT 200-hour teacher training, is a certified STOTT Pilates instructor, and is Reiki certified to the third degree. Originally from New Zealand, Karryn moved back to Japan this summer.
How to Apply (Updated on Feb 15)
For both In-Studio and Online Options:
Visit our schedule page and make a reservation. (An account creation will be needed if you do not have account in our system. Step 1: Create your account if you don't have one, or login with your account; step 2: go to the schedule page, select the workshop, and purchase the ticket for workshop; step 3: coming back to the schedule page and selecting the workshop, make a reservation by clicking the blue button "Reserve my spot in class". You will receive an automated confirmation email.)
Otherwise, send in a request to Sun & Moon Yoga by email with the workshop title in the subject. Include your full NAME, ADDRESS, and PHONE NUMBER. Payment instructions will be sent upon receipt of your request. If you do not have an account on our system, it will be required later. Early application is strongly suggested.
Note: Considering the safety and health of everyone, we are taking temporarily our precautionary measures in the studio. Please read this.
2021年2月23日(火/祝) 9am-1pm (UTC+9)
9:00 - 9:30 - オープニングサークル(カルメラとキャリン)
9:30 - 10:30 - スローフロープラクティス(キャリン)
10:30 -11:00 - ジャーナリングとビジュアライゼーション(キャリン)
11:00 - 11:15 - 休憩(お菓子とともにちょっとしたお茶の時間)
11:15 - 12:00 - セルフケアのルーチン(カルメラ)
12:00 - 1:00 - 陰ヨガ(カルメラ)
Sun & Moon Yoga Studio または Zoom
5,000 円 (スタジオ参加)
4,000 円 (Zoom オンラインミーティング)
マサチューセッツのタフツ大学にて工学部化学科の修士を修めたものの、物事を決める時はコイントスがなきゃ始まらない。そんなカルメラは、Wayfinder Master Coachでコーチングの認定を受け、またヨガではEmbodied Flow Yogaと陰ヨガのインストラクターです(陰ヨガはサラ・パワーズ先生のInsight Yoga認定に向けて勉強を継続)。また、ハッピーでヘルシーな子どもを育てるハッピーでヘルシーなママをサポートするVillage Crazy Mamaの運営に情熱を傾けています。
スケジュールページをご覧いただきご予約ください。(システムにアカウントをお持ちではない方は、アカウントのご登録が必要です。①アカウントログインする。②スケジュールページで該当するワークショップを選び、チケットを購入する。③購入後、再度スケジュールの該当クラスのページに戻り「Reserve my spot in class」をクリックしてご予約ください。ご予約後、予約確認の自動送信メールが送信されます。)
あるいは、Sun & Moon YogaまでEmailでお申し込みください。メールは、タイトルにワークショップ名を記載し、スタジオ参加またはオンライン参加のご希望を明記してください。本文にご氏名(ローマ字で読み方をつけてください)、お電話番号を必ず記載してください。お申し込みのメールを受け付けてから1週間以内に、参加費お支払い方法とともにスタジオからご連絡いたします。スタジオシステムにアカウントを作成されていない方は、後日、アカウントの作成が必要になります。